The Dagger Screw Penis Plug is one of those items that give you a toe curling sensation with each insertion. Screw designs feel amazing as you put them in because they stimulate your urethra in a spiral effect. Your pleasure sensors will definitely spiral out of control too. Those plugs also usually stay in place better than other designs and the handle is perfect to twist the screw in easily.
It also prevents the plug from going too far inside. This plug is hollow so you do not have to worry about taking it off quickly when you need release. It is 70mm in length with a handle around 45mm wide, made of beautiful Surgical Steel.
Customer reviews
This plug is awesome! I ordered the 14mm and first it was very tight. The screws feel very erotic going in and out of your cock and the handle on top is awesome. I received it two days ago and I can now wear it all day comfortably it makes it look like have huge ring coming out of your cock. It really feels good having the weight at the end of your cock. Also, when masturbate it feels very erotic!! I would highly recommend this screw penis plug!! I have a 10 out of 10!!