The Peeshooter Penis Plug will bombard your body with intense erotic sensations every time you wear it making you come so hard it will blow your mind!
This beauty is made of 316L Surgical Steel and is hollow to allow bodily fluids to flow freely.
It measures in at approximately 82.5 mm (3 1/4) inches in total length and 76 mm (3 inches) insertable length
with a tapered wave that waves in and out to hit all the right spots. It also has a 15mm disk on the end to prevent over insertion and assist in
removal. It comes in various diameters to make sure you get a great fit.
Customer reviews
Forever helpful and an amazing toy thanx
This plug is amazing. I received it today and couldn't wait to get home to clean, sterilize, and alcohol wipe this plug. I removed the 8 mm standard plug I have been wearing 24/7 and put the 8mm pea shooter in. WOW is all I can say. It is longer so it goes deeper and it stays in, where the standard plugwould come out to the choke point. I love how it is wider than the stim on the standard plug so I know it is there. Plan on wearing it 24/7 except to take out and clean. Chain gang as always y'all are the best. Keep up the good work and I will keep ordering.