Ball Stretching Specialists Home of the WMC Weight

Not only have we been selling ball stretching gear for over 20 years, we've been using it ourselves for longer. Come to the experts...

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Techniques of Ball Stretching

OK few men want to be that intensely focussed, and, the journey should, ideally, be at least as enjoyable as the destination promises and the key word in this process is comfort! Nothing shuts down ball stretching more quickly than pain or discomfort. One thing however is of paramount importance; you must not attempt to rush this process. It must be slow and steady, taking very careful note of your body's limitations. Of course ball stretching is not necessarily a desire for body modification, it can be an end in itself, or merely a way of achieving sexual gratification from the exciting sensations offered. Your desire might also be just the look of simple kinky adornment, only you know what it is you want.

If your objective is to obtain a longer scrotum in the shortest possible time then the answer is simple - hang from your ballsac as much weight as you can comfortably bear, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year!

When considering techniques of ball stretching it is firstly important to understand one's objectives. Let us assume that you, the reader, are interested in this as a personal pursuit, not merely an academic study!

1. Split collar
In two parts, it separates to allow easy on and removal.It combines weight, looks and
comfort if not too much weight is attempted too early. It is also modular, allowing the
user to add weights over time to increase effectiveness. They come in a number of materials, such as chrome